So I believe that first impressions aren't the thing that defines you for life, but it does still help to make a good one. Every time you step into a new place, talk to a new person, it's an impression and probably what that place or person will remember you for, until you meet again. And I suppose it's the same on the internet.
My name is Hunter Rose and it is the name I write all of my work under. I am 13 years old and that means actually sitting down and putting effort into writing can be a struggle when you really want to go out with your friends or waste away your life on the comfort that is the internet. But I do make time.
I think the main reason I write is to escape the world I'm already in, so I can experience things I maybe can't do in my own life but when you write, there is nothing stopping you. I think I was born a writer. It sounds very cliche but I really do think I was. I remember being about six or seven and making a book from crumpled up pieces of A4 paper and stapling them together and writing about a Shepard and his sheep, that he lost. Not really original but I do believe that was the moment I became a writer.
Then, many,many English lessons later I got a special prize for this poem I wrote. I felt like the queen of writing, it was literally like I had won the Nobel prize for literature. My poem rhymed which is quite the achievement for a nine year old child and it had 8 stanzas. I felt on top of the world.
I found English quite easy, the actual concept and the creative writing bit but my punctuation and grammar stopped me from achieving the marks I thought I could achieve. So after practicing many times over, it is still an issue. Another big thing I remembered from primary school was going from the measly, inferior pencil to the bold, black (or blue) lordly pen. I would spend my break and lunch times copying out books in my practice pen, making sure I joined every single letter to its partner and that my writing had the perfect slant. And I still didn't get it. But then, I moved schools, and I told them I already wrote in pen and they believed me so, that was that.
Then came Secondary school, and year seven was pretty familiar but in year eight stuff got real. There was no longer easy-doesn't-really-matter creative writing, it was exam prep and punctuation and grammar weeks and Peer-marking. Until one day, remarkable writers was born. An hour a week of pure creative writing, the only boundaries we had was a picture for inspiration. So maybe it wasn't every single week but it was just an easy way for us to improve on our writing, without really realizing we were.
Then, in august of 2013 I decided to write a novel, based on Sherlock Holmes. I'd always started books but then got uninspired about 3 pages in, but no I was determined this time to finish and in October of 2013, I did. I have to admit. I was proud. I was proud that I had actually achieved something properly,and about a month later we decided to get it printed.
Link To The Book-
And the finished product was something I was always going to keep and remember and even though it was only 12,000 words long and had endless mistakes it was my first book. And so in January 2014 I decided to write my own original book, Bellissimi Dragons.
This took a lot more thought. I had to create completely new characters and develop an original plot and keep it original. At the moment I am 18,000 words in and starting to wrap up the story. This blog is going to be following me as I finish this book and how I can try to help you in your journey of writing and maybe you can help me out. Thanks for reading,
Hunter Rose x
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