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Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Flat Writing.

Hello Again,
                     There is always that book that everyone hypes up and the story line is original and the characters are perfect; you expect the context of the writing to be too. Yet we often find ourselves disappointed in what I like to call 'Flat Writing'.
Flat writing is writing that lacks detail, variety and literary techniques. This is easily avoided by simple changes to your writing that don't take any effort to learn.

Sentence Length and starters: This is one pet hate of mine and yet is also a difficult to break habit: Starting every sentence with 'the'. An easy way to solve this is to try to never start a sentence with the same word in you're piece of work. This could be done by starting with a connective; pair of adjectives or even a verb or adverb. This will instantly change your writing for the better.
'The cat sat on the mat.'- Flat writing
'Meanwhile, the cat sat on the mat'- Starting with a connective.
'Poised and perfect, the cat sat on the mat'- Starting with a pair of adjectives
'Patiently waiting, the cat sat on the mat'- Starting with a adverb and verb.
This clearly makes a positive difference to the writing and makes for a more enjoyable read.

Sentence length also plays an important part by using simple and short sentences for tension and effect and longer, complex ones for detail and description.

Whilst too much detail can often also find the reader bored to tears but not enough can suddenly make your writing seem like a list.
I went to school. It was great but it was warm.
Sound utterly boring doesn't it. This can be fixed so simply with detail such as adjectives, metaphors and similes.

Other ways of keeping your writing rich is to work out, if you cant describe it well enough, is it really worth writing about? does it hold significance? Does having that detail enrich your story in any way? If not. Seriously consider whether you add it.

That's all there is to really say on the matter, it's simple tweaks to your work that can make it of a lot higher standard which ultimately improves your writing completely.
Thank you for reading and I hope my tips help.

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