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Sunday, 17 May 2015

The Writer Tag.

Hello There,

I decided that I would delve into the world of tags and start with 'The Writer Tag'. I could bore you with an introduction that is seven lines long but honestly I'd rather start the tag.

1. What do you write? (short stories, novels?)

I write a large variety of style but honestly I do prefer to write longer novels as I feel like they allow for more development but I have dabbled in poetry and also short stories. I have always loved writing which has allowed me also to open more opportunities such as writing newspaper articles for school papers and also have entered many competitions and whilst not being successful every time, I still was dedicated to my writing. (I feel like I just went of on a tangent)

2. What do you mostly write about?

Whilst people tell me constantly to write what I know, I do often write fantasy fiction. I find that this is the most interesting for me to write and honestly that's what writing is for me; for my own enjoyment.

3. What's your favorite thing about writing?

My favourite thing about writing is possibly the fact that its so easy to lose yourself when you write. You can escape the reality that you're in, and much like when reading you can live through the characters lives and do things you possibly couldn't do in your own life.

4. What/who inspired you to start writing/keep writing?

I wouldn't say anyone inspires me to write or to start writing but I find often that I can, as vain as it may sound, inspire myself as well as day to day life  that too seems to inspire me

5. Who's your favorite character that you made up?
My favourite character has to be 'Sebastian Alexander Xavier Dawes' from Belles Dragons. He's really sarcastic and honestly royalty worthy. Everything I wish I could be and he says everything I wish I could say.

6. When did you start writing?
I can't honestly remember when I first Started writing but I started taking it seriously about 2 years ago.

7. First story you wrote?
A Shepard who lost his sheep- I was seven. I was writing bo-beep fan fiction before fan fiction was cool. Ahead of the curve.

8. Favorite story you wrote?
Belles Dragons. It allows me to be sarcastic and witty without getting in trouble.

9. Do you have a writing schedule? Like, do you write every day or just when you feel like it?
Usually its just when I feel like it but lately I have been aiming for about 1000 words a day. I'm ambitious like that.

10. Do you want to be published? Doesn't everyone? I have been featured on Movellas before but I would aim to have my books published in the future.

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